What's My Line (Part 1)

Buffy's fate as the Slayer is set in stone. As career week arrives, Buffy becomes bummed that she can't be anything but the Slayer. Spike is working on a cure for Drusilla. He gets a transcriber to decode a book stolen from Giles. Spike is working with the transcriber and Drusilla wants his attention. He blows up at her and she starts to pout. He apologizes and then kisses her very romantically. She forgives him and he goes to work on the book.

When they find that the book is in code, and the transcriber can crack it, Drusilla looks to her tarot cards for an answer. When the find that the book needs a key, Spike and Dru dance together. When making her rounds at the cemetery, Buffy finds the transcriber and another vamp steeling something from a mausoleum. She kills the vampire and the transcriber gets away, back to Spike. When home, she finds Angel there warning her of grave danger, as usual. They chat for a bit, and Buffy reveals her childhood obsession with Dorothy Hamill.

Giles begins to worry about what happened at the cemetery. Then they show Spike with a gold cross on a pillow. He decides that if Drusilla is to survive he must get rid of Buffy. He calls for the Order of Turaka - bounty hunters of the most deadly kind. They will keep coming until Buffy is dead. Giles and Buffy go back to the mausoleum and Giles finds the name - "duLac" on the wall. He puts the piece together to find that Spike is using the book and the cross to bring back Drusilla. Giles then goes back to the library to try to find out what the book says. Meanwhile, the assassins are coming. Pretending to be normal they position themselves to kill Buffy but all in their own way.

Buffy gets out of helping with book deciphering to go and skate with Angel. Then one of the assassins shows up and attempts to kill Buffy. Angel gets there just in time to try and save her. Then Buffy cuts his throat with her skate. Then Angel looks at the guys ring and freaks. He tells Buffy to run and hide which is something Buffy will never do. Then he acts shy because he doesn't want Buffy to see him as a vampire. But she says she didn't even notice. They kiss and I can't help from wondering, couldn't that be difficult with those teeth? A new girl in town, a second slayer is also at the rink. She sees Buffy kissing Angel and prepares to kill them both. Back at the library Giles, Xander and Willow can't find Buffy. Giles begins to freak when he knows what is in store for Buffy and Angel. He sends Xander after her and asks him to go with Cordelia since she has a car.

Angel goes for help. He goes to a bar where vampires hang out. The bartender there is his source of help. He asks him who sent the assassins and the guy refuses to answer. Then Angel smashes the guy's head against the bar and threatens to kill him. But since Angel hasn't killed in a while, he says that it may take a while. Buffy gets really scared since Angel has told her that she is in really grave danger. She goes to Angel's place and falls asleep in his bed. This new slayer saves the bar boy from Angel and gets into a major fight with him. She corners him and then locks him in a caged area where he can't get out. Only to be burned alive by the sun which will be coming up in a few hours.

Then this new girl named Kendra shows up at Angel's place ready to kill Buffy. They get into a major chick fight and when the fighting stops for a second, Buffy asks the girl who she is. She responds, "I am Kendra, the Vampire Slayer."