With Glory now possessing knowledge of Dawn's
true nature, Buffy and Dawn run for their lives and are fortunate enough to
escape thanks to Willow's magic and a large semi-truck slamming into Glory out
on the street. The gang gathers together at Xander's, where Buffy resolves that
they must get out of town. Ben talks to one of Glory's minions, revealing that
he is just a human body to hold Glory's god form. Spike solves the gang's
transportation problem by providing a sun-protected RV.
The Knights of
Byzantium retrieve their crazy member from the hospital and discover the Key's
true form. Giles drives the RV in Spike's place and talks with a motion sick
Xander about Buffy's state of mind. Depressed and worried about their future
plans, Buffy is comforted by Dawn until the Knights attack them all. A sword
through the rough nearly kills Buffy, but Spike stops it with his bare hands.
After going to the to of the RV and fending off knights, Buffy thinks she has
fought them all off. One knight attacks by surprise, getting in front of the RV
and sends a spear flying right into Giles and the RV crashing to its side.
Briefly, everyone tries to regroup at a gas station before more Knights
attack. Buffy fends of the attackers as best as possible until a barrier spell
from Willow protects them all with one of her spells. A general of the Knights
is captured and talks of Glory's plans and what Dawn really is. All those left
crazy by Glory suddenly get restless and repeatedly state that it's time.
Realizing that Giles's health is in serious danger, Buffy arranges a deal to
call on Ben to come and tend to the wounded.
He fixes Giles and Dawn and
talks with Buffy. Spike suggests to Xander that they run, but Buffy refuses to
let anyone die. She later talks with the General who talks more of Glory and
reveals that if Buffy kills Glory's human vessel, she can be destroyed. He also
says that the Key, if used, will destroy all separation between dimensions and
destroy the universe. Buffy promises Dawn that she'll protect her.
general suspects Ben is an outsider and tempts him with the idea of killing
Dawn. Ben realizes that Glory is about to take over his body, but it's too late,
Glory comes forth, kills the General, fights off the Scooby Gang to take Dawn
and break through the force field. By the time Willow releases the field, Glory
has disposed of all the Knights and disappeared with Dawn. Knowing they have to
move fast, everyone heads for Ben's car to chase after Glory. The loss of Dawn
to Glory has left the Slayer completely emotionally broken and she can bring
herself to do anything when she should be going to save her sister.