
News about this site:

June 20, 2001

Finally!  Another update...sorry for not updating a lot nowadays.  But now school is out and i have time to update and everything so expect some changes soon.  Thanks for visiting my site and please check back soon!  If you have any suggestions or comments or questions or w/e please e-mail me at !

News about Buffy or any Buffy characters:

June 20, 2001

It's a rerun episode today!  It's called Crush and it'll be on at 8/9 central on WB.  Here's the summary:  Buffy and Dawn carry on what is fast becoming a rather ill-fated tradition for the Summers girls---getting involved with the most problematic men available.

After being scolded by her big sister for having a crush on Spike (James Marsters), Dawn sheds light on the identity of the true object of the neutered vamp's affection---Buffy. With his frustrating Slayer fixation finally out of the closet, Spike swallows his pride and professes his love to her face, only to be rebuffed by the supremely creeped-out Buffster. Angry and humiliated, a sulky Spike returns home to find Drusilla (Juliet Landau) waiting...and she's ready to take him back.

June 27, 2001

It's a rerun episode again and it's called I was Made to Love you and it'll be on at 8/9 central on WB.  Here's the brief summary:  The bizarre mannerisms and superhuman strength of April (Shonda Farr), who's searching Sunnydale for her boyfriend, lead the gang to believe she's really a robot. Meanwhile, Buffy decides to go out on a date with Ben (Charlie Weber), but the Slayer has no idea how close he is to Glory.
If you want the who episode go to the episode guide.

* The brief summaries are from Yahoo! and the TV Guide so if you want to read summaries of just about anything on TV go there! *

To keep the news from adding up too much I'll delete the news monthly.

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